Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Flashback Beauty

So, in my time of randomly searching the internet I found these great vintage beauty ads. I thought I would share my 10 favorites with you!

10. This one doesn't have anything to do with beauty or fashion. I just thought it was funny!!

9. It took me awhile to figure this one out. Simply because I didn't look at the bottle. DORK!! Anyways, "If you're still getting wet" was what grabbed my attention.

8. This picture made me laugh. So SCANDALOUS!! HAHA!! It's an ad for hair dye no way your man can look younger than you!!

7. No they won't notice your necklace. They will however notice you are wearing lingerie!!

6. I can't figure out what this ad if for but, she has the secret to great Christmas presents figured out. Let Santa look up your skirt!

5. Practical blouse made out of silk for all you women workers!

4. Turn your dude into a stud with these jeans. I don't know if you can see but one of those stud men is Nick Nolte. I loved him in Gangster Squad

3. The pain we women have gone through for the years, I'm glad this contraption is no longer.

2. Completely a different ad than what we are used to. Put some weight on!!

1. Again, a different perspective than what we are used to!

I hope you enjoyed this flashback. Talk to you soon!!

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