Thursday, May 16, 2013

Glow in the Dark

I know I have missed a few posts but, I have been sicker than sick. Like don't leave the bed, kleenex everywhere, pj's, dayquill, red nose sick. All this with a one year old, not so easy. It's important to me to blog, so blog I shall!!

Here is how we did our youth glow stick night. First thing we blacked out the room, by taping black construction paper on the window's. Then we hung up our black lights, we had 3 and then the kids brought a few too. We also took a floor lamp and put black light, light bulbs in there. You can find black light, light bulbs at any store, Walmart, Shopko, Target. Now we were ready for youth to arrive!!

Each student got a glow stick when they entered, found these at the dollar store. Also for an opening activity we had them "graffiti" butcher paper with highlighters. We also played glow stick bowling by putting glow sticks in empty water bottles and we used a bright green softball for our bowling ball.

We continued our series on the bible, but for messages you could teach on Psalm 119:105 the bible is a light to my path
Matthew 5:14 you are supposed to shine.

Here are some pictures from the event, is there a way to take good night picures??



preaching, we added lights for fun

kids wearing white, and our lamp in the background

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