Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Guest Blogger Fashion Tips!

Hi there! 

What a priviledge it is to be a guest blogger on Dorinda's blog. Let me introduce myself, I am Dawn Reese, Dorinda's mom. 

Dorinda and I love doing lots of things together and do we love to shop! Now we bring another one with us, when we go shopping, after all we are training her early, little Mackenzie. 

The thing that is so great having Dorinda along, when shopping, is that she is blatantly truthful when I am trying on things. Me:"I don't know, I can't decide..." Dorinda:"Do you love it? Will you wear it? It doesn't do that much for you." And sometimes it's:"No, that doesn't look good at all." I am so glad that she doesn't sugar coat things and has a good eye for what looks good.
Both of us love learning more and more about fashion. 

We like to share what we've learned with others. Fashion is constantly changing, even when the retro look is in, it's important to know how to wear it. The very most important thing about fashion and looking good in what ever style one chooses is fit, fit, fit. We can't say it enough, it has to fit right or it won't look right. No settle fors either, if it doesn't fit or look good, put it back. 

Every once in a while, if the fit isn't right, you can take it to a tailor. I love my tailor. I happen to have wider lower part of the body than the upper. I have to buy a larger sheath dress to accomodate those darn hips and I take it to the tailor to fit the too large bustline. She's a wonder! It looks great every time.

 I guess I am saying for lesson one in fashion and this goes for all ages, make sure it fits.  And find a good tailor. Let me know what some of your fashion hang-ups are. I love doing research and can make suggestions to help you out. 

Fashionista Gramma

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