Thursday, March 14, 2013

Random Favorites of the week

We are in the process of moving, so life has been crazy and I was unprepared for this week to sneak up on me to type up a blog. So I decided to do a Random Favorites blog of all things I have been loving this past week.

Honestly this will be random!!
In fact it's so random I don't even know where to start, so I guess I just will.

We will start with some of Mackenzie's favorites
She has been into dancing and has the cutest new dance move. 

The song she is dancing to is Cray Button by Family Force 5 (more on that later). 

Here also new favorite game: 
I put a bunch of her baby wash clothes in a wipe box, she loves to sit there and pull them out (She sat there playing that game for 10 min one day!!)

She also loves being chased! I stomp my feet behind her saying; "I'm gonna get you." She laughs so hard she can't even crawl. Cutest thing ever!!

Favorite show: Bubble Guppies!

Molly and Bubble Puppy are her favorites. We watch this show in the morning while waking up and making breakfast. She even sings to the theme song, too cute!!

Since she is all in to dancing we have been watching youtube videos.

Favorite dance video: 

Favorite nap time video:

She loves to sit in my lap and watch the videos while she drifts into la-la-land. I love it too!!

Favorite apps:

Peekaboo Safari: She loves to find all the animals, although she has a hard time finding the snack and the parrot. 

My baby firework: She dances to the music and watch the fireworks pop!

Fashion: socks!!! She loves to play with her socks (or pull them off!)
I love these pants with the feet, super cute!!!

Mommy Favorites of the week!

Favorite app: Church on the Move
I have been loving listening to Willie George and his series Ideal Family. So eye opening and inspiring.

Favorite youtube video: Guilty Dog
This video makes me laugh so hard. Our puppy is just like that!!

Favorite Music: Family Force 5
We recently saw them in concert and their songs are amazing.
Favorite songs on their new album are Cray Button, Zombie and Wobble.
They get so stuck in my head all day, I love it.

Favorite recipe: Chicken Chili
Wednesday has become crock-pot day. With Mondo now being youth pastor and me working all day. We put this meal in the crock-pot and eat it before heading to youth. If Mondo isn't hungry before hand the crock-pot keeps it warm for him to eat after. We have tried the Taco Soup which is another favorite, probably repeated monthly. This one has most of the same stuff but with a twist, I also like that I put the chicken in frozen! No worries, if I forget to thaw the chicken. We paired ours with white sticky rice and tortilla chips. SO YUMMY!!

Favorite fashion: Soda Faux Toms

I have been loving these lately! So, comfy!!!

Favorite tv show: There are too many to list!!
My must sees though would be:
Pretty Little Liars
and Fashion Star

Well, I think that is my current list of faves but, my current non-fave Packing!!
What are some of your current faves??

Packing Hating Momma,

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