Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book Review

Happy March!! March is coming in like a lion for my family, weather wise and time wise. I am looking forward to it going out like a lamb, hopefully?!?!?

I thought it would be good to do a book review and I haven't done a kidmin post in awhile, so why not combine them. 

I have read most of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, minus the two newest ones. I also have seen the first movie and have the second recorded on my dvr to be watched at a later time. Before I dive into the review I want to say thatI feel it is important to stay knowledgeable in the current trends for kids both as a parent and as a kidmin.

There are two reasons I strongly encourage knowing what music kids are listening too, what tv shows they are watching, what books they are reading etc. One (parental reason) just because you don't let them listen to the music, read those books, or watch those tv shows, doesn't mean their friends at school or even at church aren't talking to them about it. Or they aren't watching/hearing/seeing those things at their friends house. I remember my mom wouldn't let me read ghost stories, although I loved them. I was 9 about the time, so I would check them out in the school library leave them in my school desk. My mom was none the wiser, well until now since she spell checks my blogs. My mom also wouldn't let me watch teenage mutant ninja turtles, but she wasn't home after school when they were on. I am not saying I was right in doing this. I am just trying to show that you can't be around your kids 24/7/365. Although wouldn't that be nice. Also you can't just simply tell your kids no, and turn your back expecting them to listen (again wouldn't that be nice). It's best to know why you don't want them to see/hear/watch and explain to them in a clear manner why. My mom was good at doing this. From there you have to trust they will make the right decisions for themselves. I only read 1 ghost story book before I really understood why my mom didn't want me reading them. I stopped reading them until I was in jr high and able to handle them better. Two (kidmin reason) it's important to be able to stay in touch with kids. The old saying they don't care how much you know until they know how much you care fits here. Being able to talk to the kids about tv shows or throw in the mention of Justin Bieber's new song shows kids that I care about them and what they like, they in turn listen a little more when I talk to them. Now, it does help in all of this that I do actually like to watch, listen, read most of what they do as well (BONUS)!!!

I picked up the Diary of a Wimpy Kid a year ago when I spotted a girl in my class reading it. Within a week I had read 5 of the books, I probably could have read them in a day they are that easy of a read. Really, the kid in the book is not nice (phrasing it nicely). The book is designed to look like you are reading someone's diary with little stick figure pictures and all. Basically, the kid (Gregg) is trying to fit in, even at the cost of hurting his geeky friend or disobeying his parents and getting grounded. Most of the time it backfires on him. I think this book is a great conversation opener between parents and kids, and a great teaching series for kidmin. 

As a parent I would discuss some of the decisions Gregg makes and if that was a good decision or how it could have been handled differently. Ask open ended questions with the kids to help them understand that Gregg's decisions hurt himself or his friends. We need to show God's love to others and obey our parents.  

As a kidmin I would use the series to teach on God's love and obeying our parents. Using Gregg's example on how we should obey right away or love at all times. 

I would strongly recommend this book, it's a easy read for kids just learning or ones who don't like to. This book can help in teaching a child in the way they should go. Proverbs. 22:6. 

Comment below to let me know if you like this review, found it helpful and if you want more!

Thank you!!

Book Lover, 

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